Where To Buy Accutane (Isotretinoin) Online

Where To Buy Accutane (Isotretinoin) Online
Where To Buy Accutane (Isotretinoin) Online

As a rule, 4 interrelated factors are important in the pathogenesis of acne: pathological follicular hyperkeratosis, excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and inflammation. Experts note that androgens affect the nature and volume of sebaceous gland secretion, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acne.

If patients suffer from skin problems, have acne, then the formation of skin fat increases, which makes the disease more complicated. The secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin is a substrate for the reproduction of P. acnes. The process of fat lipolysis takes place through bacterial lipases, which contributes not only to inflammation but also to the formation of comedones.

The effectiveness of the drug Accutane (Isotretinoin).

Systemic therapy is combined with local and prescribed for the treatment of patients with acne, especially if there are scars on the skin, or in the case of a tendency to psycho-emotional disorders. Expert opinion, experience has shown that the most severe forms of acne are thoroughly treated with the retinoid class drug, Accutane (Isotretinoin).

And clinical experience shows that it can cause long-term remissions, cure the majority of patients. Because Accutane reduces sebum production by 80%, there is a significant reduction in comedogenesis and P. acnes within 4-8 weeks of starting treatment with this medication.

Treatment with Isotretinoin requires a highly experienced doctor who has worked with Isotretinoin, because an individual dose is selected for each patient. The dose depends on the severity of the disease, the form and weight of the treatment.

During Accutane therapy, the doctor first determines the dose (Accutane 20mg) based on the patient's sensitivity to Accutane.

During the use of Accutane, a significant decrease in sebaceous cysts is felt, especially in those areas of the skin where inflammation is noticeable. This means that after the treatment there is a stable clinical effect, because thanks to Accutane, the conditions for the generation of bacteria are eliminated.

Accutane (20mg, 40mg) Drug Indications

When Accutane first hit the market, acne patients' choice of drug depended on the clinical severity of their acne. Experience has shown that in recent years, specialists began to recommend this drug more, and positive feedback from patients is a guarantee that the indications for the use of Accutane have expanded a lot. There are many published data on the safety and efficacy of Accutane in mild acne:

  • lack of effect or insufficient effect of conventional antibiotics
  • relapse after conventional antibiotics
  • Tendency to rough scars
  • seborrhea, abundance of closed comedones, atheroma
  • depressive state.

It should be noted that Accutane is prescribed for the treatment of severe forms of acne: nodular cystic acne, extensive lesions on the face, back, chest.

Accutane Side Effects.

Like every drug, Accutane has side effects. Before starting treatment, regardless of the severity of the patient's skin acne, the attending physician should discuss possible adverse reactions.

Accutane is teratogenic. That is, when prescribing Accutane for women of reproductive age, pregnancy should be excluded for approximately two weeks after treatment.

It is a fact that the drug does not remain in the tissues for a long time, pregnancy is not prohibited, but you can get pregnant only after 1-2 months after the end of treatment with Accutane.

In this regard, the opinion of gynecologists, who do not recommend getting pregnant after treatment with Accutane, during the first year, is wrong, because as mentioned, the effect of the drug in the blood stops after its termination, within two weeks.

In the case of men, Accutane has no contraindications, it does not affect spermatozoa.

Need to know.

Dry skin and mucous membranes, cheilitis, rare conjunctivitis, nosebleeds, etc. occur in patients taking Accutane. It all depends on the dosage and the individual sensitivity of the person. People who take small amounts of.

Accutane to treat acne may not experience the above reactions at low doses. The presence of these reactions allows to determine the reduction or increase of drug doses during the treatment to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.